Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Atom Zombie Smasher Review

     We'll today I am going to take a look at a game I have been playing on and off for the past 6 months the game is called Atom Zombie Smasher. Remember that this game is tested on Ubuntu so it does not one hundred percent reflect any other platform that this game maybe on.
     This game is a top down action style game with not a lot in the way of cut scenes. You play from a over the city few of the game. During the game you get different mercenary units that can help you out in different ways. You will have to get the people out of the city via a helicopter before night fall. If you get them all out before night fall you capture the city.
     For some information about the back story of the game. The game looks and feels like it is based around the 1940's. There is a zombie out break for what looks to be a country and you have to go around to each city and destroy the zombie's there. 
     Taking a look first at the good points of the game. The music plays very well with the game play, the music is better to have on then no music at all. The controls are really solid I did not have any issues getting my characters to were they needed to be. The graphics are solid as well with buildings being able to be destroyed and the people and zombies as square dots. Now I did not mind the fact that people/zombies are square dots. Since you do play on a top city view it would be to hard to see the people/zombies if they looked real. They seem to be also putting out updates almost every week or so, so they are actively supporting the game. 
     For the bad parts of the game and there are a few. The first part would be the fact that then you are picking up people to rescue they seem to run away from you. I have found quite a few times people running away from the helicopter and right into zombies. Speaking about the helicopter it does not stay down long enough on the ground. What I mean about this is that you could be almost full of people and more people coming and the helicopter just takes off. You should be able to tell it to stay down as long as you want. There is also no installer for the game so that means also that there is no game icon in your game menu. This would be bad for people that was not use to finding the game in the game directory. There is not much in the way of replay value in the game you just play the same levels over and over. The levels do change a little bit were the zombies come out but there really is no difference in the levels. There is also not much in the way of a story to the game. You have to click on a button during the load times between levels to see what little story there is. When you do click on the button the story that is told does not have any continuity in the story. There are characters in the game but you do not have a feeling about what there involvement in the game really is.
     I would give this game 5.0 out of 10. It would have been nice to see with all the updates that they have been putting out to make it a more solid game. You can find the game here Blendo Games and as of this writing the game cost $15.00.

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